Words To Live By

Whatever you believe, you become. Your thinking shapes your entire life—and your life reflects the true beliefs of your inner world. We may say we believe in grace or in loving our enemies, but it’s the testimony of our lives that will reveal what words form our foundation. In 2024, we are building on no other foundation but Christ Himself. Even the secular world quotes many of Jesus’ famous sayings like the Golden Rule, “Render to Caesar what is Caesars” or “Do not be anxious about tomorrow.” In this series, we take a deeper look at what Jesus really meant in these famous teachings and ask how this wisdom will shape our lives.

Sunday Themes

Luke 6:31 - The Golden Rule
Matthew 7:7 - Ask, Seek, Knock
Matthew 5:32 - Do not worry about tomorrow
Luke 20:25 - Render to Caesar what is Caesars
John 8:7 - Let him who is without sin among you throw the first stone 
Matthew 5:44 - Love Your Enemies

the messages